Pamela Ann Lipsett, M.D.

Headshot of Pamela Ann Lipsett
  • Program Director, Surgical Critical Care
  • Professor of Surgery


Critical Care, Surgical Critical Care

Research Interests

Critically ill patients; Surgical patients; Drug development trials; Phase II clinical trials; Phase III clinical trials; Sepsis; Perioperative management; Nosocomial infection prevention; Nosocomial infection management; Antibiotic management; Hand hygiene; Outcomes; Quality of life; Cost effectiveness more


The Johns Hopkins Hospital (Main Entrance)

1800 Orleans St.
Sheikh Zayed Tower
Baltimore, MD 21287 map
Phone: 410-955-3739


Dr. Pamela A. Lipsett is the Warfield M. Firor Endowed Professor in Surgery 也是约翰霍普金斯大学医学院第一位女外科学教授.


Dr. Lipsett自2005年和2003年起担任普外科主任, 作为外科和护理学教授麻醉学和重症监护医学助理教授. 她是外科重症监护病房的联合主任和外科重症监护奖学金计划的主任.

She also serves as a managing board member of the Institute for Excellence in Education 并担任医学院学生评估和项目评估委员会主席.

Dr. Lipsett的科学兴趣包括针对危重推荐十大正规网赌平台的药物的II期和III期试验, particularly sepsis; prevention and management of nosocomial infection; the perioperative management of critically ill surgical patients; antibiotic management; hand hygiene; outcomes; cost effectiveness; and quality of life in the critically ill. 此外,她的教育研究主要集中在评估和项目评估.

As an intensivist for nearly three decades, Dr. Lipsett has played a key role in a number of clinical trials, government-supported grants and investigator-initiated studies. 

她在学术期刊上发表了140多篇同行评审的文章,以及近40篇书籍章节和125篇摘要. She has also served as a lecturer, 提供临床和继续医学教育指导,并指导了许多本科生, research and postdoctoral fellows, residents, medical students and nurses.

Dr. 利普塞特获得了马萨诸塞大学医学院的医学学位. 她在约翰霍普金斯医院完成了普通外科实习, 曾任外科部副主任,并获得胃肠外科学院高级培训专业证书. 她在湾景医疗中心担任专职外科医生九年.

Dr. Lipsett also holds an M.H.P.E. in medical education from the University of Illinois, 她的论文《全球十大外围足球平台》获得了2010年最佳论文奖. She holds a B.A. from Regis College.

她的许多专业荣誉包括美国医学妇女协会颁发的2012年女性科学奖, 约翰霍普金斯大学教授卓越教学奖,1994年和1999年,医学院的乔治J. Stuart Award for Outstanding Clinical Teaching.

Dr. Lipsett曾担任重症医学学会和外科感染学会的主席.  美国重症医学学院和女外科医师协会会员, 她是包括美国创伤外科协会在内的专业组织的成员. more


  • Program Director, Surgical Critical Care
  • Program Director, General Surgery
  • Co-Director Surgical Intensive Care Units
  • Professor of Surgery
  • 麻醉学和危重医学助理教授

Departments / Divisions

Centers & Institutes



  • MD; Medicine; Univ of Massachusetts Medical School-Nursing (1984)


  • General Surgery; Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (1989)

Board Certifications

  • American Board of Surgery (Surgery- General) (1990)
  • American Board of Surgery (Surgical Critical Care) (1991)

Research & Publications

Research Summary

Dr. Lipsett has played a key role in a number of clinical trials, government-supported grants and investigator-initiated studies. 她的科学兴趣包括重症患者药物的II期和III期试验, particularly sepsis; prevention and management of nosocomial infection; the perioperative management of critically ill surgical patients; antibiotic management; hand hygiene; outcomes; cost effectiveness; and quality of life in the critically ill. 她的教育研究主要集中在评估和项目评估.

Selected Publications

Farmer D, Tessier JM, Sanders JM, Sawyer RG, Rotstein OD, Dellinger EP, Lipsett PA, Cuschieri J, Miller P, Cook CH, Guidry CA, Askari R, Moore BJ, Duane TM. “年龄及其对腹内感染结果的影响.” Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2016 Dec 22. doi: 10.1089/sur.2016.184. [Epub ahead of print]

Cerullo M, Lipsett PA. 通过受训者评估外科事业的重要性:约翰. Cameron legacy factor.” Ann Surg. 2016 Dec 6. [Epub ahead of print] No abstract available

Sanders JM, Tessier JM, Sawyer RG, Lipsett PA, Miller PR, Namias N, O'Neill PJ, Dellinger EP, Coimbra R, Guidry CA, Cuschieri J, Banton KL, Cook CH, Moore BJ, Duane TM. “将万古霉素作为广谱覆盖的一部分并不能改善腹内感染患者的预后:一项事后分析.” Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2016 Dec;17(6):694-699

Claridge JA, Banerjee A, Zosa BM, Hydo LJ, Lipsett PA, Barie PS. 一篇分析过去外科感染学会获奖者的文章.” Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2016 Jun;17(3):313-7. doi: 10.1089/sur.2015.176

Barlam TF, Cosgrove SE, Abbo LM, MacDougall C, Schuetz AN, Septimus EJ, Srinivasan A, Dellit TH, Falck-Ytter YT, Fishman NO, Hamilton CW, Jenkins TC, Lipsett PA, Malani PN, May LS, Moran GJ, Neuhauser MM, Newland JG, Ohl CA, Samore MH, Seo SK, Trivedi KK. “执行摘要:实施抗生素管理计划:美国传染病学会和美国卫生保健流行病学学会的指南.” Clin Infect Dis. 2016 May 15;62(10):1197-202. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciw217

Contact for Research Inquiries

Phone: 410-955-3739

Activities & Honors


  • George J. 1994年获约翰霍普金斯大学医学院斯图尔特杰出临床教学奖
  • George J. 1999年获约翰霍普金斯大学医学院斯图尔特杰出临床教学奖
  • 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院教授卓越教学奖
  • 感谢证书,约翰霍普金斯大学护理学院
  • Fellow, American College of Critical Care Medicine
  • Fellow, Association for Women Surgeons
  • 2012年,美国医学妇女协会颁发的女性科学奖
  • Best Thesis of 2010, University of Illinois


  • Society of Critical Care Medicine


  • Surgical Infection Society


  • American Association for the Surgery of Trauma

Professional Activities

  • President, Surgical Infection Society, 2012 - 2013
  • President, Society of Critical Care Medicine, 2011 - 2012

Patient Ratings & Comments

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